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Our feisty Rebel was not completely planned. We were originally going down for another senior but when word got out that he had a potential adopter we needed a plan B. We had concerns because she had both human and dog aggression issues but there was a plane ticket booked and she was the most in need of a home. It was not easy at the beginning as she has to be expressed and it seemed she did not enjoy being picked up. So with the help of some special gloves to prevent her from breaking skin, our relationship started. It turned out it was the way she prefers to be handled and the gloves are off! Don’t get me wrong she can still get you if she does not like something but that is now only 1% of the time. When she came she had zero like for the other dogs but we are happy to say she is now able to wander around freely in her wheelchair with the rest of the dogs. She is the cutest little Muppet with that snaggle tooth who loves to snuggle! Go figure!
Adopted January 2023
Approximate DOB 01/2008
Behavioural Issues
Wheelchair User
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