MARCH 2018 - JUNE 2018
One of our first rescues from Pug Nation in LA. Our beautiful Olive was a bonded pair with Paxton and had stage 4 kidney disease when we brought her home. Olive was not with us for very long and was probably one of the main reasons Boon-a-fide came to be. As hard as it was to lose her so very quickly we were very happy we had the opportunity to know, care for and love her. All we wanted was that she knew that when she passed in our arms that she was loved and in a home. She lost the battle with kidney disease June 2018

MARCH 2018 - AUGUST 2018
Oh where to start with this sweet guy? If there was ever truth to having your heart stolen at first sight, well this was it. We drove to California to bring home Olive and Paxton and I immediately fell in love. To say this guy was a train wreck was a serious understatement! He was a serious cutie with a personality that would just melt your heart. No matter how much extra work and care he needed there was never a second that was not worth it. Trooper passed away in his sleep in August 2018, we will never ever forget everything that he taught us about true love.

JANUARY 2018 - APRIL 2020
This special girl was another that was not on our radar when we walked through the doors of Pug Nation December 2018. For the first few days she was in isolation waiting for results so she could join gen pop. With three days left in our vacation she was cleared and the iso door was opened. That was all it took for Christine to know she was going to be coming home. She was so stove up and arthritic her walk resembled something like a toy soldier marching. We raced her to the vet to see if we could get her in the plane home with us in 72 hours but she needed shots and a dental. We would have to wait until February to fly back for a day and bring our girl home. She brought us so much love and laughter for the time we were blessed to have her. We said goodbye April 2020, she had surgery to relieve pressure from behind her eye and never recovered.
SEPTEMBER 2018 - JUNE 2020
This sweet man Was relinquished with four of his siblings when his owner passed away. He had vestibular disease and hind end weakness which caused him to walk like an ice skater. It did not take long for him to deteriorate into the wreck that we miss so very much. To add to his plate of illnesses he became incontinent, completely lost feeling and movement in his back end and then the dementia kicked in. He was the best alarm clock and never missed a 7:30 AM wake up call.... ever! There was definitely a cleaning process for him and his bed, stroller or carrier that could take place a few times a day. With out Kasey being within smelling distance the screaming would start and we learned everything we could about dog dementia. Even with all his ailments, it was easy to tell that he was enjoying life. When he wasn’t we knew it was time and the end of June 2020 we said goodbye to you. Oh Morris man we do miss you so!

DECEMBER 2018 - JULY 2020
This beautiful girl was another that was not on our radar when we walked through the doors of Pug Nation December 2018. We were there to pick up Tayva and only Tayva but ended up coming home adopting 3. Freida had just been returned (again) because she had shown aggression to another dog in the home….. we just couldn’t see it. This very senior lady walked up to Kasey who was sitting in the middle of pug heaven (or pen 1) and simply crawled into her lap and that was it. We we’re convinced there wasn’t a mean bone in her body and at the 9th hour called the airline to book her ticket home. It was one of the best decisions we have ever made. We lost her to a collapsed trachea in July 2020.

The end of November 2020 there was a post from PN regarding a very special old man named Elvis. It was obvious he did not have much time left and we needed to get him home! We called Pug Nation and adopted this sweet sweet man and in three days were flying down to bring him home. No one realized just how little time he truly had and 24 hours prior to take off he crossed the rainbow bridge. We are so sad that we never got a chance to bring sweet Elvis home. The one good that came was with the flight booked Deven headed down and brought back our sweet paralyzer Cosmo.

DECEMBER 2018 - APRIL 2021
This little girl was the reason for our trip to Pug Nation Dec 2018. She was the last sibling left from 5 that were relinquished earlier in the year. We had brought her brother Morris home in September and the amazing team at PN wanted to know if we were interested in adopting her. She was being overlooked by many because she was paralyzed and due to this needed to be expressed to go to the bathroom. There was no way we were going to let her stay there a minute longer than needed so we flew down over Christmas break, learned what we could about expressing, and to bring her home and have a family reunion! It did not take long for her to run the show and become one of Kasey’s true loves. She always had an eye on what was going on and there was nothing that made you smile more than her barking and tapping her front legs in excitement. We lost our “tappin Taya” April 2021, she got so very tired and lethargic it was just time to say goodbye.

JUNE 2019 - AUGUST 2021
Once again, this started when we went to Cali Dec 2018 to bring Tayva home. While there unbeknownst to the rest of us Kasey was spending time with an old man in the “free bird”. His name was Niko and he was another one that had lost his hind end and needed expressing. He was relinquished after spending years and years in a tiny shed (they figure this is why he lost use of his back end)and was not used to human touch or affection. We were bringing home the three girls and expressing was new to us so Kasey said goodbye. Well 6 months later Kasey was graduating from grade 12 and when we asked what she wanted her response was quick and sure. Niko. She flew down and back in one day bringing her big man home. He fit in like a glove with Morris and Tayva proving again that he was right where he belonged. He had a gentle soul, learned to love affection and trusted Kasey more than anything. It was once again breathing issues that took this senior man down and in August 2021 we said goodbye.

This sassy pants little girl came to us from a relinquishment. She had major breathing issues and could no longer get the care she needed where she was. It took quite a few vet visits but with the right combo of medications and inhalers it become a lot better and she of course fit right into the grumble! We absolutely loved her personality and we’re so ready to enjoy our first Christmas together. After only having her for 6 short weeks her trachea collapsed and we had to say goodbye early December 2021. It is crazy how you can love so hard and so fast.

August 2021 Kasey flew down to PN to help with the influx of dogs that were being relinquished or picked up from the shelters. We absolutely knew and expected that she would bring home a pupper. There were 4 that were candidates but the one that needed a home the most and fastest was Bobon. This sweet little man was found wandering the streets and had a huge mass hanging from one of his testicles that tested positive for cancer cells when it was removed. Our man did not stand out, he hid in a corner of the kitchen by himself and was quite standoffish at first. Right before he left California he started having seizures as well. We knew it most likely meant there would be a brain tumor but it did not matter. He arrived home and started meds to control the seizures. It didn’t take long before he started handing out kisses and we all fell a little more in love. The neurological problems did get worse as he started circling more and more and he walked and the end of February 2022 it enlarged and blocked off the back of his throat causing him to struggle to breath. Oh how we miss your kisses little one.

MAY 2022 - SEPTEMBER 2022
Christine and Kasey drove down to Boise to drive home Sadie, Pixie, and Chevy. Sadie was a sweet little girl who was immobile from the neck down. She was going to be a life partner for Cosmo but sadly that was not the case, September 2022 we noticed that she had darker colored urine at first we thought it might a lack of water we started giving Sadie IV fluids and got her into the vet as soon as possible. a urine sample revealed that she was in liver failure, we still miss her sassy attituded.

JUNE 2022


AUGUST 2014 - JANUARY 2023


We loast




